BuiltSpace: Designing Efficiency and Sustainability into Smart Buildings

BuiltSpace: Designing Efficiency and Sustainability into Smart Buildings

Maintneance expert checking building machinery for saftey and diaognositcs using smart technologiesIf you’ve ever swiped a key card to enter a building or walked into a darkened conference room only to have the lights suddenly turn on or felt the temperature in your cubicle change as more people enter your area, you’ve experienced smart buildings at work.

As more employees are returning to offices, commercial building managers see a definitive need to increase the adoption of smart building technology platforms. The technologies that are critical to managing this influx of on-site employees include the regulation of a building’s ventilation system, temperature measuring devices, and space optimization to ensure physical distancing.

What is a Smart Building?

Smart buildings leverage Intelligent Edge technologies to integrate IoT-connected devices, augmented reality, visual and motion sensors, and other systems to automate day-to-day processes, including climate control, security, and lighting—all to maximize efficiency and enhance tenant experiences.

BuiltSpace logoLeading this transition toward smart buildings is BuiltSpace Technologies. BuiltSpace creates digital versions of facilities that enable property managers to measure a building’s operational performance and improve functionality and energy efficiency. They do so by collecting and organizing data from assets (machines) and people’s activities, in real time, across building ecosystems, even down to an individual asset.

For BuiltSpace to contribute to the smart buildings evolution, they first needed a greater understanding of their clients’ critical systems, such as HVAC, to glean actionable data to help them become more efficient. Unfortunately, BuiltSpace encountered many clients who operate older buildings and systems spread across wide areas with extreme environmental and temperature fluctuations, making it difficult to measure the functionality and fault potential of motors within these systems.

BuiltSpace realized that in order to empower building owners and property managers to adhere to strict regulations around sustainability and efficiency, they have to require a system-wide solution that provided remote monitoring capabilities. ADI OtoSense™ Smart Motor Sensor (SMS) was the ideal solution.

View the full article on the Analog.com website.